CPR Foundation International INC
CPR Foundation International INC
Our Mission Statement
Humanitarian Efforts to support the needs of citizens
primarily in Jamaica and the Caribbean,
but extending world wide.
Seeking to help with monetary contributions, food sourcing, domestic and international medical care, community businesses and crop sharing community farms, creating self-sufficiency to those in need.
Click on picture to view our first joint mission in St. Elizabeth Parish
Follow us on Tik Tok
where we can respond in real time
Contact Us
Use this form to request help with food insecurities, medicine and medical needs help.
Email us if you are seeking assistance with business funding.
Be sure to include a business plan, pictures and/or videos of parts you already have in place (ie, farm space, kitchen set ups, buildings for the business to locate) Be sure to include how you think this will help you become more self-sufficient and be sustainable. Also how will in benefit your community.